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  • ovirt_vms - Module to manage Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV

ovirt_vms - Module to manage Virtual Machines in oVirt/RHV

New in version 2.2.


  • This module manages whole lifecycle of the Virtual Machine(VM) in oVirt/RHV.
  • Since VM can hold many states in oVirt/RHV, this see notes to see how the states of the VM are handled.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • python >= 2.7
  • ovirt-engine-sdk-python >= 4.2.4


Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments
(added in 2.5)
Mapper which maps affinty name between VM's OVF and the destination affinity this VM should be registered to, relevant when state is registered.
(added in 2.5)
Mappper which maps affinity label name between VM's OVF and the destination label this VM should be registered to, relevant when state is registered.
(added in 2.4)
Boolean indication whether to allow partial registration of Virtual Machine when state is registered.
Dictionary with values needed to create HTTP/HTTPS connection to oVirt:
username[required] - The name of the user, something like admin@internal. Default value is set by OVIRT_USERNAME environment variable.
password[required] - The password of the user. Default value is set by OVIRT_PASSWORD environment variable.
url - A string containing the API URL of the server, usually something like ``. Default value is set by OVIRT_URL environment variable. Either url or hostname is required.
hostname - A string containing the hostname of the server, usually something like ``. Default value is set by OVIRT_HOSTNAME environment variable. Either url or hostname is required.
token - Token to be used instead of login with username/password. Default value is set by OVIRT_TOKEN environment variable.
insecure - A boolean flag that indicates if the server TLS certificate and host name should be checked.
ca_file - A PEM file containing the trusted CA certificates. The certificate presented by the server will be verified using these CA certificates. If `ca_file` parameter is not set, system wide CA certificate store is used. Default value is set by OVIRT_CAFILE environment variable.
kerberos - A boolean flag indicating if Kerberos authentication should be used instead of the default basic authentication.
headers - Dictionary of HTTP headers to be added to each API call.
(added in 2.5)
If true, use memory ballooning.
Memory balloon is a guest device, which may be used to re-distribute / reclaim the host memory based on VM needs in a dynamic way. In this way it's possible to create memory over commitment states.
  • cdrom
  • hd
  • network
List of boot devices which should be used to boot. For example [ cdrom, hd ].
Default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.5)
True enable menu to select boot device, False to disable it. By default is chosen by oVirt/RHV engine.
ISO file from ISO storage domain which should be attached to Virtual Machine.
If you pass empty string the CD will be ejected from VM.
If used with state running or present and VM is running the CD will be attached to VM.
If used with state running or present and VM is down the CD will be attached to VM persistently.
  • no ←
  • yes
If yes then the disks of the created virtual machine will be cloned and independent of the template.
This parameter is used only when state is running or present and VM didn't exist before.
  • no ←
  • yes
If yes then the permissions of the template (only the direct ones, not the inherited ones) will be copied to the created virtual machine.
This parameter is used only when state is running or present and VM didn't exist before.
Dictionary with values for Unix-like Virtual Machine initialization using cloud init.
host_name - Hostname to be set to Virtual Machine when deployed.
timezone - Timezone to be set to Virtual Machine when deployed.
user_name - Username to be used to set password to Virtual Machine when deployed.
root_password - Password to be set for user specified by user_name parameter.
authorized_ssh_keys - Use this SSH keys to login to Virtual Machine.
regenerate_ssh_keys - If True SSH keys will be regenerated on Virtual Machine.
custom_script - Cloud-init script which will be executed on Virtual Machine when deployed. This is appended to the end of the cloud-init script generated by any other options.
dns_servers - DNS servers to be configured on Virtual Machine.
dns_search - DNS search domains to be configured on Virtual Machine.
nic_boot_protocol - Set boot protocol of the network interface of Virtual Machine. Can be one of none, dhcp or static.
nic_ip_address - If boot protocol is static, set this IP address to network interface of Virtual Machine.
nic_netmask - If boot protocol is static, set this netmask to network interface of Virtual Machine.
nic_gateway - If boot protocol is static, set this gateway to network interface of Virtual Machine.
nic_name - Set name to network interface of Virtual Machine.
nic_on_boot - If True network interface will be set to start on boot.
(added in 2.3)
List of dictionaries representing network interafaces to be setup by cloud init.
This option is used, when user needs to setup more network interfaces via cloud init.
If one network interface is enough, user should use cloud_init nic_* parameters. cloud_init nic_* parameters are merged with cloud_init_nics parameters.
Dictionary can contain following values.
nic_boot_protocol - Set boot protocol of the network interface of Virtual Machine. Can be one of none, dhcp or static.
nic_ip_address - If boot protocol is static, set this IP address to network interface of Virtual Machine.
nic_netmask - If boot protocol is static, set this netmask to network interface of Virtual Machine.
nic_gateway - If boot protocol is static, set this gateway to network interface of Virtual Machine.
nic_name - Set name to network interface of Virtual Machine.
nic_on_boot - If True network interface will be set to start on boot.
(added in 2.5)
If true the cloud_init or sysprep parameters will be saved for the virtual machine and won't be virtual machine won't be started as run-once.

aliases: sysprep_persist
Name of the cluster, where Virtual Machine should be created.
Required if creating VM.
(added in 2.5)
Mapper which maps cluster name between VM's OVF and the destination cluster this VM should be registered to, relevant when state is registered. Cluster mapping is described by the following dictionary:
source_name: The name of the source cluster.
dest_name: The name of the destination cluster.
(added in 2.3)
Comment of the Virtual Machine.
Number of virtual CPUs cores of the Virtual Machine.
Default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.5)
CPU mode of the virtual machine. It can be some of the following: host_passthrough, host_model or custom.
For host_passthrough CPU type you need to set placement_policy to pinned.
If no value is passed, default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.5)
CPU Pinning topology to map virtual machine CPU to host CPU.
CPU Pinning topology is a list of dictionary which can have following values:
cpu - Number of the host CPU.
vcpu - Number of the virtual machine CPU.
Set a CPU shares for this Virtual Machine.
Default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
Number of virtual CPUs sockets of the Virtual Machine.
Default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.5)
Number of virtual CPUs sockets of the Virtual Machine.
Default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.5)
Properties sent to VDSM to configure various hooks.
Custom properties is a list of dictionary which can have following values:
name - Name of the custom property. For example: hugepages, vhost, sap_agent, etc.
regexp - Regular expression to set for custom property.
value - Value to set for custom property.
If yes Virtual Machine will be set as delete protected.
If no Virtual Machine won't be set as delete protected.
If no value is passed, default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.3)
Description of the Virtual Machine.
(added in 2.4)
  • cow ←
  • raw
Specify format of the disk.
If cow format is used, disk will by created as sparse, so space will be allocated for the volume as needed, also known as thin provision.
If raw format is used, disk storage will be allocated right away, also known as preallocated.
Note that this option isn't idempotent as it's not currently possible to change format of the disk via API.
This parameter is considered only when template and storage domain is provided.
List of disks, which should be attached to Virtual Machine. Disk is described by following dictionary.
name - Name of the disk. Either name or id is reuqired.
id - ID of the disk. Either name or id is reuqired.
interface - Interface of the disk, either virtio or IDE, default is virtio.
bootable - True if the disk should be bootable, default is non bootable.
activate - True if the disk should be activated, default is activated.
NOTE - This parameter is used only when state is running or present and is able to only attach disks. To manage disks of the VM in more depth please use ovirt_disks module instead.
(added in 2.5)
Mapper which maps aaa domain name between VM's OVF and the destination aaa domain this VM should be registered to, relevant when state is registered. The aaa domain mapping is described by the following dictionary:
source_name: The name of the source aaa domain.
dest_name: The name of the destination aaa domain.
(added in 2.3)
If True the module will fetch additional data from the API.
It will fetch IDs of the VMs disks, snapshots, etc. User can configure to fetch other attributes of the nested entities by specifying nested_attributes.
  • no ←
  • yes
Please check to Synopsis to more detailed description of force parameter, it can behave differently in different situations.
(added in 2.5)
Assign graphical console to the virtual machine.
Graphical console is a dictionary which can have following values:
headless_mode - If true disable the graphics console for this virtual machine.
protocol - Graphical protocol, a list of spice, vnc, or both.
  • no
  • yes
If yes Virtual Machine will be set as highly available.
If no Virtual Machine won't be set as highly available.
If no value is passed, default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.5)
Indicates the priority of the virtual machine inside the run and migration queues. Virtual machines with higher priorities will be started and migrated before virtual machines with lower priorities. The value is an integer between 0 and 100. The higher the value, the higher the priority.
If no value is passed, default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
Specify host where Virtual Machine should be running. By default the host is chosen by engine scheduler.
This parameter is used only when state is running or present.
ID of the Virtual Machine to manage.
(added in 2.3)
Path to an initial ramdisk to be used with the kernel specified by kernel_path option.
Ramdisk image must be stored on either the ISO domain or on the host's storage.
(added in 2.3)
Name of virtual machine's hardware configuration.
By default no instance type is used.
(added in 2.5)
Number of IO threads used by virtual machine. 0 means IO threading disabled.
(added in 2.3)
Kernel command line parameters (formatted as string) to be used with the kernel specified by kernel_path option.
(added in 2.3)
Path to a kernel image used to boot the virtual machine.
Kernel image must be stored on either the ISO domain or on the host's storage.
(added in 2.3)
Dictionary of values to be used to connect to kvm and import a virtual machine to oVirt.
Dictionary can contain following values.
name - The name of the KVM virtual machine.
username - The username to authenticate against the KVM.
password - The password to authenticate against the KVM.
url - The URL to be passed to the virt-v2v tool for conversion. For example qemu:///system. This is required parameter.
drivers_iso - The name of the ISO containing drivers that can be used during the virt-v2v conversion process.
sparse - Specifies the disk allocation policy of the resulting virtual machine. true for sparse, false for preallocated. Default value is true.
storage_domain - Specifies the target storage domain for converted disks. This is required parameter.
(added in 2.4)
Name of the storage domain this virtual machine lease reside on.
NOTE - Supported since oVirt 4.1.
(added in 2.5)
Mapper which maps lun between VM's OVF and the destination lun this VM should contain, relevant when state is registered. lun_mappings is described by the following dictionary: - logical_unit_id: The logical unit number to identify a logical unit, - logical_unit_port: The port being used to connect with the LUN disk. - logical_unit_portal: The portal being used to connect with the LUN disk. - logical_unit_address: The address of the block storage host. - logical_unit_target: The iSCSI specification located on an iSCSI server - logical_unit_username: Username to be used to connect to the block storage host. - logical_unit_password: Password to be used to connect to the block storage host. - storage_type: The storage type which the LUN reside on (iscsi or fcp)
Amount of memory of the Virtual Machine. Prefix uses IEC 60027-2 standard (for example 1GiB, 1024MiB).
Default value is set by engine.
Amount of minimal guaranteed memory of the Virtual Machine. Prefix uses IEC 60027-2 standard (for example 1GiB, 1024MiB).
memory_guaranteed parameter can't be lower than memory parameter.
Default value is set by engine.
(added in 2.5)
Upper bound of virtual machine memory up to which memory hot-plug can be performed. Prefix uses IEC 60027-2 standard (for example 1GiB, 1024MiB).
Default value is set by engine.
Name of the Virtual Machine to manage.
If VM don't exists name is required. Otherwise id or name can be used.
(added in 2.3)
Specifies list of the attributes which should be fetched from the API.
This parameter apply only when fetch_nested is true.
List of NICs, which should be attached to Virtual Machine. NIC is described by following dictionary.
name - Name of the NIC.
profile_name - Profile name where NIC should be attached.
interface - Type of the network interface. One of following virtio, e1000, rtl8139, default is virtio.
mac_address - Custom MAC address of the network interface, by default it's obtained from MAC pool.
NOTE - This parameter is used only when state is running or present and is able to only create NICs. To manage NICs of the VM in more depth please use ovirt_nics module instead.
(added in 2.6)
List of vNUMA Nodes to set for this VM and pin them to assigned host's physical NUMA node.
Each vNUMA node is described by following dictionary:
index - The index of this NUMA node (mandatory).
memory - Memory size of the NUMA node in MiB (mandatory).
cores - list of VM CPU cores indexes to be included in this NUMA node (mandatory).
numa_node_pins - list of physical NUMA node indexes to pin this virtual NUMA node to.
(added in 2.6)
Set how the memory allocation for NUMA nodes of this VM is applied (relevant if NUMA nodes are set for this VM).
It can be one of the following: interleave, preferred or strict.
If no value is passed, default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
  • debian_7
  • freebsd
  • freebsdx64
  • other
  • other_linux
  • other_linux_ppc64
  • other_ppc64
  • rhel_3
  • rhel_4
  • rhel_4x64
  • rhel_5
  • rhel_5x64
  • rhel_6
  • rhel_6x64
  • rhel_6_ppc64
  • rhel_7x64
  • rhel_7_ppc64
  • sles_11
  • sles_11_ppc64
  • ubuntu_12_04
  • ubuntu_12_10
  • ubuntu_13_04
  • ubuntu_13_10
  • ubuntu_14_04
  • ubuntu_14_04_ppc64
  • windows_10
  • windows_10x64
  • windows_2003
  • windows_2003x64
  • windows_2008
  • windows_2008x64
  • windows_2008r2x64
  • windows_2008R2x64
  • windows_2012x64
  • windows_2012R2x64
  • windows_7
  • windows_7x64
  • windows_8
  • windows_8x64
  • windows_xp
Operating system of the Virtual Machine.
Default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.5)
The configuration of the virtual machine's placement policy.
Placement policy can be one of the following values:
migratable - Allow manual and automatic migration.
pinned - Do not allow migration.
user_migratable - Allow manual migration only.
If no value is passed, default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
poll_interval Default:
Number of the seconds the module waits until another poll request on entity status is sent.
(added in 2.5)
Virtual Machine quota ID to be used for disk. By default quota is chosen by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.5)
Boolean indication whether to reassign bad macs when state is registered.
(added in 2.5)
Random number generator (RNG). You can choose of one the following devices urandom, random or hwrng.
In order to select hwrng, you must have it enabled on cluster first.
/dev/urandom is used for cluster version >= 4.1, and /dev/random for cluster version <= 4.0
(added in 2.5)
Mapper which maps role name between VM's OVF and the destination role this VM should be registered to, relevant when state is registered. Role mapping is described by the following dictionary:
source_name: The name of the source role.
dest_name: The name of the destination role.
(added in 2.5)
True enable VirtIO serial console, False to disable it. By default is chosen by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.3)
Specify a serial number policy for the Virtual Machine.
Following options are supported.
vm - Sets the Virtual Machine's UUID as its serial number.
host - Sets the host's UUID as the Virtual Machine's serial number.
custom - Allows you to specify a custom serial number in serial_policy_value.
(added in 2.3)
Allows you to specify a custom serial number.
This parameter is used only when serial_policy is custom.
(added in 2.5)
If true, use smart card authentication.
(added in 2.5)
If true, the sound card is added to the virtual machine.
(added in 2.5)
True enable Single Sign On by Guest Agent, False to disable it. By default is chosen by oVirt/RHV engine.
  • absent
  • next_run
  • present ←
  • registered
  • running
  • stopped
  • suspended
Should the Virtual Machine be running/stopped/present/absent/suspended/next_run/registered. When state is registered and the unregistered VM's name belongs to an already registered in engine VM in the same DC then we fail to register the unregistered template.
present state will create/update VM and don't change its state if it already exists.
running state will create/update VM and start it.
next_run state updates the VM and if the VM has next run configuration it will be rebooted.
Please check notes to more detailed description of states.
registered is supported since 2.4.
If yes Virtual Machine will be set as stateless.
If no Virtual Machine will be unset as stateless.
If no value is passed, default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
(added in 2.4)
Name of the storage domain where all template disks should be created.
This parameter is considered only when template is provided.
IMPORTANT - This parameter is not idempotent, if the VM exists and you specfiy different storage domain, disk won't move.
Dictionary with values for Windows Virtual Machine initialization using sysprep.
host_name - Hostname to be set to Virtual Machine when deployed.
active_directory_ou - Active Directory Organizational Unit, to be used for login of user.
org_name - Organization name to be set to Windows Virtual Machine.
domain - Domain to be set to Windows Virtual Machine.
timezone - Timezone to be set to Windows Virtual Machine.
ui_language - UI language of the Windows Virtual Machine.
system_locale - System localization of the Windows Virtual Machine.
input_locale - Input localization of the Windows Virtual Machine.
windows_license_key - License key to be set to Windows Virtual Machine.
user_name - Username to be used for set password to Windows Virtual Machine.
root_password - Password to be set for username to Windows Virtual Machine.
Name of the template, which should be used to create Virtual Machine.
Required if creating VM.
If template is not specified and VM doesn't exist, VM will be created from Blank template.
(added in 2.3)
Version number of the template to be used for VM.
By default the latest available version of the template is used.
timeout Default:
The amount of time in seconds the module should wait for the instance to get into desired state.
(added in 2.3)
Sets time zone offset of the guest hardware clock.
For example Etc/GMT
  • desktop
  • server
  • high_performance
Type of the Virtual Machine.
Default value is set by oVirt/RHV engine.
high_performance is supported since Ansible 2.5 and oVirt/RHV 4.2.
(added in 2.5)
True enable USB support, False to disable it. By default is chosen by oVirt/RHV engine.

(added in 2.3)
  • no
  • yes
Specify if latest template version should be used, when running a stateless VM.
If this parameter is set to yes stateless VM is created.
(added in 2.3)
Dictionary of values to be used to connect to VMware and import a virtual machine to oVirt.
Dictionary can contain following values.
username - The username to authenticate against the VMware.
password - The password to authenticate against the VMware.
url - The URL to be passed to the virt-v2v tool for conversion. For example vpx://wmware_user@vcenter-host/DataCenter/Cluster/esxi-host?no_verify=1
drivers_iso - The name of the ISO containing drivers that can be used during the virt-v2v conversion process.
sparse - Specifies the disk allocation policy of the resulting virtual machine. true for sparse, false for preallocated. Default value is true.
storage_domain - Specifies the target storage domain for converted disks. This is required parameter.
(added in 2.5)
Mapper which maps an external virtual NIC profile to one that exists in the engine when state is registered. vnic_profile is described by the following dictionary:
source_network_name: The network name of the source network.
source_profile_name: The prfile name related to the source network.
target_profile_id: The id of the target profile id to be mapped to in the engine.
True if the module should wait for the entity to get into desired state.
(added in 2.5)
Assign watchdog device for the virtual machine.
Watchdogs is a dictionary which can have following values:
model - Model of the watchdog device. For example: i6300esb, diag288 or null.
action - Watchdog action to be performed when watchdog is triggered. For example: none, reset, poweroff, pause or dump.
(added in 2.3)
Dictionary of values to be used to connect to XEN and import a virtual machine to oVirt.
Dictionary can contain following values.
url - The URL to be passed to the virt-v2v tool for conversion. For example xen+ssh://root@zen.server. This is required parameter.
drivers_iso - The name of the ISO containing drivers that can be used during the virt-v2v conversion process.
sparse - Specifies the disk allocation policy of the resulting virtual machine. true for sparse, false for preallocated. Default value is true.
storage_domain - Specifies the target storage domain for converted disks. This is required parameter.



  • If VM is in UNASSIGNED or UNKNOWN state before any operation, the module will fail. If VM is in IMAGE_LOCKED state before any operation, we try to wait for VM to be DOWN. If VM is in SAVING_STATE state before any operation, we try to wait for VM to be SUSPENDED. If VM is in POWERING_DOWN state before any operation, we try to wait for VM to be UP or DOWN. VM can get into UP state from POWERING_DOWN state, when there is no ACPI or guest agent running inside VM, or if the shutdown operation fails. When user specify UP state, we always wait to VM to be in UP state in case VM is MIGRATING, REBOOTING, POWERING_UP, RESTORING_STATE, WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH. In other states we run start operation on VM. When user specify stopped state, and If user pass force parameter set to true we forcibly stop the VM in any state. If user don’t pass force parameter, we always wait to VM to be in UP state in case VM is MIGRATING, REBOOTING, POWERING_UP, RESTORING_STATE, WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH. If VM is in PAUSED or SUSPENDED state, we start the VM. Then we gracefully shutdown the VM. When user specify suspended state, we always wait to VM to be in UP state in case VM is MIGRATING, REBOOTING, POWERING_UP, RESTORING_STATE, WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH. If VM is in PAUSED or DOWN state, we start the VM. Then we suspend the VM. When user specify absent state, we forcibly stop the VM in any state and remove it.
  • In order to use this module you have to install oVirt Python SDK. To ensure it’s installed with correct version you can create the following task: pip: name=ovirt-engine-sdk-python version=4.2.4


# Examples don't contain auth parameter for simplicity,
# look at ovirt_auth module to see how to reuse authentication:

- name: Creates a new Virtual Machine from template named 'rhel7_template'
    state: present
    name: myvm
    template: rhel7_template
    cluster: mycluster

- name: Register VM
    state: registered
    storage_domain: mystorage
    cluster: mycluster
    name: myvm

- name: Register VM using id
    state: registered
    storage_domain: mystorage
    cluster: mycluster
    id: 1111-1111-1111-1111

- name: Register VM, allowing partial import
    state: registered
    storage_domain: mystorage
    allow_partial_import: "True"
    cluster: mycluster
    id: 1111-1111-1111-1111

- name: Register VM with vnic profile mappings and reassign bad macs
    state: registered
    storage_domain: mystorage
    cluster: mycluster
    id: 1111-1111-1111-1111
    - source_network_name: mynetwork
      source_profile_name: mynetwork
      target_profile_id: 3333-3333-3333-3333
    - source_network_name: mynetwork2
      source_profile_name: mynetwork2
      target_profile_id: 4444-4444-4444-4444
    reassign_bad_macs: "True"

- name: Register VM with mappings
    state: registered
    storage_domain: mystorage
    cluster: mycluster
    id: 1111-1111-1111-1111
      - source_name: Role_A
        dest_name: Role_B
      - source_name: Domain_A
        dest_name: Domain_B
      - source_storage_type: iscsi
        source_logical_unit_id: 1IET_000d0001
        source_logical_unit_port: 3260
        source_logical_unit_portal: 1
        source_logical_unit_target: iqn.2016-08-09.brq.str-01:omachace
        dest_storage_type: iscsi
        dest_logical_unit_id: 1IET_000d0002
        dest_logical_unit_port: 3260
        dest_logical_unit_portal: 1
        dest_logical_unit_target: iqn.2016-08-09.brq.str-02:omachace
      - source_name: Affinity_A
        dest_name: Affinity_B
      - source_name: Label_A
        dest_name: Label_B
      - source_name: cluster_A
        dest_name: cluster_B

- name: Creates a stateless VM which will always use latest template version
    name: myvm
    template: rhel7
    cluster: mycluster
    use_latest_template_version: true

# Creates a new server rhel7 Virtual Machine from Blank template
# on brq01 cluster with 2GiB memory and 2 vcpu cores/sockets
# and attach bootable disk with name rhel7_disk and attach virtio NIC
- ovirt_vms:
    state: present
    cluster: brq01
    name: myvm
    memory: 2GiB
    cpu_cores: 2
    cpu_sockets: 2
    cpu_shares: 1024
    type: server
    operating_system: rhel_7x64
      - name: rhel7_disk
        bootable: True
      - name: nic1

- name: Run VM with cloud init
    name: rhel7
    template: rhel7
    cluster: Default
    memory: 1GiB
    high_availability: true
    high_availability_priority: 50  # Available from Ansible 2.5
      nic_boot_protocol: static
      nic_name: eth1
      nic_on_boot: true
      custom_script: |
         - content: |
             Hello, world!
           path: /tmp/greeting.txt
           permissions: '0644'
      user_name: root
      root_password: super_password

- name: Run VM with cloud init, with multiple network interfaces
    name: rhel7_4
    template: rhel7
    cluster: mycluster
    - nic_name: eth0
      nic_boot_protocol: dhcp
      nic_on_boot: true
    - nic_name: eth1
      nic_boot_protocol: static
      nic_on_boot: true

- name: Run VM with sysprep
    name: windows2012R2_AD
    template: windows2012R2
    cluster: Default
    memory: 3GiB
    high_availability: true
      user_name: Administrator
      root_password: SuperPassword123

- name: Migrate/Run VM to/on host named 'host1'
    state: running
    name: myvm
    host: host1

- name: Change VMs CD
    name: myvm
    cd_iso: drivers.iso

- name: Eject VMs CD
    name: myvm
    cd_iso: ''

- name: Boot VM from CD
    name: myvm
    cd_iso: centos7_x64.iso
        - cdrom

- name: Stop vm
    state: stopped
    name: myvm

- name: Upgrade memory to already created VM
    name: myvm
    memory: 4GiB

- name: Hot plug memory to already created and running VM (VM won't be restarted)
    name: myvm
    memory: 4GiB

# Create/update a VM to run with two vNUMA nodes and pin them to physical NUMA nodes as follows:
# vnuma index 0-> numa index 0, vnuma index 1-> numa index 1
- name: Create a VM to run with two vNUMA nodes
    name: myvm
    cluster: mycluster
    numa_tune_mode: "interleave"
    - index: 0
      cores: [0]
      memory: 20
      numa_node_pins: [0]
    - index: 1
      cores: [1]
      memory: 30
      numa_node_pins: [1]

- name: Update an existing VM to run without previously created vNUMA nodes (i.e. remove all vNUMA nodes+NUMA pinning setting)
    name: myvm
    cluster: mycluster
    state: "present"
    numa_tune_mode: "interleave"
    - index: -1

# When change on the VM needs restart of the VM, use next_run state,
# The VM will be updated and rebooted if there are any changes.
# If present state would be used, VM won't be restarted.
- ovirt_vms:
    state: next_run
    name: myvm
      - network

- name: Import virtual machine from VMware
    state: stopped
    cluster: mycluster
    name: vmware_win10
    timeout: 1800
    poll_interval: 30
      url: vpx://user@
      name: windows10
      storage_domain: mynfs
      username: user
      password: password

- name: Create vm from template and create all disks on specific storage domain
    name: vm_test
    cluster: mycluster
    template: mytemplate
    storage_domain: mynfs
    - name: nic1

- name: Remove VM, if VM is running it will be stopped
    state: absent
    name: myvm

# Defining a specific quota for a VM:
# Since Ansible 2.5
- ovirt_quotas_facts:
    data_center: Default
    name: myquota
- ovirt_vms:
    name: myvm
    sso: False
    boot_menu: True
    usb_support: True
    serial_console: True
    quota_id: "{{ ovirt_quotas[0]['id'] }}"

- name: Create a VM that has the console configured for both Spice and VNC
    name: myvm
    template: mytemplate
    cluster: mycluster
        - spice
        - vnc

Return Values

Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:

Key Returned Description
On success if VM is found.
ID of the VM which is managed

On success if VM is found.
Dictionary of all the VM attributes. VM attributes can be found on your oVirt/RHV instance at following url:


This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.


This module is flagged as community which means that it is maintained by the Ansible Community. See Module Maintenance & Support for more info.

For a list of other modules that are also maintained by the Ansible Community, see here.


  • Ondra Machacek (@machacekondra)


If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.