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- rhsm_repository - Manage RHSM repositories using the subscription-manager command
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rhsm_repository - Manage RHSM repositories using the subscription-manager command
- Manage(Enable/Disable) RHSM repositories to the Red Hat Subscription Management entitlement platform using the
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
Parameter |
Choices/Defaults |
Comments |
required |
The ID of repositories to enable.
To operate on several repositories this can accept a comma separated list or a YAML list.
required |
present ←
- enabled
- absent
- disabled
If state is equal to present or disabled, indicates the desired repository state.
- In order to manage RHSM repositories the system must be already registered to RHSM manually or using the Ansible
- name: Enable a RHSM repository
name: rhel-7-server-rpms
- name: Disable all RHSM repositories
name: '*'
state: disabled
- name: Enable all repositories starting with rhel-6-server
name: rhel-6-server*
state: enabled
- name: Disable all repositories except rhel-7-server-rpms
name: "{{ item }}"
state: disabled
with_items: "{{
rhsm_repository.repositories |
map(attribute='id') |
difference(['rhel-7-server-rpms']) }}"
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Returned |
Description |
success |
The list of RHSM repositories with their states.
When this module is used to change the repositories states, this list contains the updated states after the changes.
This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.
This module is flagged as community which means that it is maintained by the Ansible Community. See Module Maintenance & Support for more info.
For a list of other modules that are also maintained by the Ansible Community, see here.
- Giovanni Sciortino (@giovannisciortino)
If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.