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- sf_volume_access_group_manager - Manage SolidFire Volume Access Groups
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sf_volume_access_group_manager - Manage SolidFire Volume Access Groups
- Create, destroy, or update volume access groups on SolidFire
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- solidfire-sdk-python (
Parameter |
Choices/Defaults |
Comments |
List of Name/Value pairs in JSON object format.
required |
The hostname or IP address of the SolidFire cluster.
List of initiators to include in the volume access group. If unspecified, the access group will start out without configured initiators.
required |
Name of the volume access group. It is not required to be unique, but recommended.
required |
Password for the specified user.
required |
Whether the specified volume access group should exist or not.
required |
Please ensure that the user has the adequate permissions. For more information, please read the official documentation https://goo.gl/ddJa4Q.
The ID of the SolidFire Virtual Network ID to associate the volume access group with.
The ID of the VLAN Virtual Network Tag to associate the volume access group with.
The ID of the volume access group to modify or delete.
List of volumes to initially include in the volume access group. If unspecified, the access group will start without any volumes.
- The modules prefixed with
are built to support the SolidFire storage platform.
- name: Create Volume Access Group
hostname: "{{ solidfire_hostname }}"
username: "{{ solidfire_username }}"
password: "{{ solidfire_password }}"
state: present
name: AnsibleVolumeAccessGroup
volumes: [7,8]
- name: Modify Volume Access Group
hostname: "{{ solidfire_hostname }}"
username: "{{ solidfire_username }}"
password: "{{ solidfire_password }}"
state: present
volume_access_group_id: 1
name: AnsibleVolumeAccessGroup-Renamed
attributes: {"volumes": [1,2,3], "virtual_network_id": 12345}
- name: Delete Volume Access Group
hostname: "{{ solidfire_hostname }}"
username: "{{ solidfire_username }}"
password: "{{ solidfire_password }}"
state: absent
volume_access_group_id: 1
This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.
This module is flagged as community which means that it is maintained by the Ansible Community. See Module Maintenance & Support for more info.
For a list of other modules that are also maintained by the Ansible Community, see here.
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