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  • win_certificate_store - Manages the certificate store

win_certificate_store - Manages the certificate store

New in version 2.5.


  • Used to import/export and remove certificates and keys from the local certificate store.
  • This module is not used to create certificates and will only manage existing certs as a file or in the store.
  • It can be used to import PEM, DER, P7B, PKCS12 (PFX) certificates and export PEM, DER and PKCS12 certificates.


Parameter Choices/Defaults Comments
  • der ←
  • pem
  • pkcs12
The file type to export the certificate as when state=exported.
der is a binary ASN.1 encoded file.
pem is a base64 encoded file of a der file in the OpenSSL form.
pkcs12 (also known as pfx) is a binary container that contains both the certificate and private key unlike the other options.
When pkcs12 is set and the private key is not exportable or accessible by the current user, it will throw an exception.
  • no
  • yes ←
Whether to allow the private key to be exported.
If no, then this module and other process will only be able to export the certificate and the private key cannot be exported.
Used when state=present only.
  • default ←
  • machine
  • user
Specifies where Windows will store the private key when it is imported.
When set to default, the default option as set by Windows is used.
When set to machine, the key is stored in a path accessible by various users.
When set to user, the key is stored in a path only accessible by the current user.
Used when state=present only and cannot be changed once imported.
The password of the pkcs12 certificate key.
This is used when reading a pkcs12 certificate file or the password to set when state=exported and file_type=pkcs12.
If the pkcs12 file has no password set or no password should be set on the exported file, do not set this option.
The path to a certificate file.
This is required when state is present or exported.
When state is absent and thumbprint is not specified, the thumbprint is derived from the certificate at this path.
  • absent
  • exported
  • present ←
If present, will ensure that the certificate at path is imported into the certificate store specified.
If absent, will ensure that the certificate specified by thumbprint or the thumbprint of the cert at path is removed from the store specified.
If exported, will ensure the file at path is a certificate specified by thumbprint.
When exporting a certificate, if path is a directory then the module will fail, otherwise the file will be replaced if needed.
  • CurrentUser
  • LocalMachine ←
The store location to use when importing a certificate or searching for a certificate.
  • AddressBook
  • AuthRoot
  • CertificateAuthority
  • Disallowed
  • My ←
  • Root
  • TrustedPeople
  • TrustedPublisher
The store name to use when importing a certificate or searching for a certificate.
AddressBook: The X.509 certificate store for other users
AuthRoot: The X.509 certificate store for third-party certificate authorities (CAs)
CertificateAuthority: The X.509 certificate store for intermediate certificate authorities (CAs)
Disallowed: The X.509 certificate store for revoked certificates
My: The X.509 certificate store for personal certificates
Root: The X.509 certificate store for trusted root certificate authorities (CAs)
TrustedPeople: The X.509 certificate store for directly trusted people and resources
TrustedPublisher: The X.509 certificate store for directly trusted publishers
The thumbprint as a hex string to either export or remove.
See the examples for how to specify the thumbprint.



  • Some actions on PKCS12 certificates and keys may fail with the error the specified network password is not correct, either use CredSSP or Kerberos with credential delegation, or use become to bypass these restrictions.
  • The certificates must be located on the Windows host to be set with path.


- name: import a certificate
    path: C:\Temp\cert.pem
    state: present

- name: import pfx certificate that is password protected
    path: C:\Temp\cert.pfx
    state: present
    password: VeryStrongPasswordHere!
  become: yes
  become_method: runas

- name: import pfx certificate without password and set private key as un-exportable
    path: C:\Temp\cert.pfx
    state: present
    key_exportable: no
  # usually you don't set this here but it is for illustrative purposes
    ansible_winrm_transport: credssp

- name: remove a certificate based on file thumbprint
    path: C:\Temp\cert.pem
    state: absent

- name: remove a certificate based on thumbprint
    thumbprint: BD7AF104CF1872BDB518D95C9534EA941665FD27
    state: absent

- name: remove certificate based on thumbprint is CurrentUser/TrustedPublishers store
    thumbprint: BD7AF104CF1872BDB518D95C9534EA941665FD27
    state: absent
    store_location: CurrentUser
    store_name: TrustedPublisher

- name: export certificate as der encoded file
    path: C:\Temp\cert.cer
    state: exported
    file_type: der

- name: export certificate and key as pfx encoded file
    path: C:\Temp\cert.pfx
    state: exported
    file_type: pkcs12
    password: AnotherStrongPass!
  become: yes
  become_method: runas
  become_user: SYSTEM

Return Values

Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:

Key Returned Description
A list of certificate thumbprints that were touched by the module.



This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.


This module is flagged as community which means that it is maintained by the Ansible Community. See Module Maintenance & Support for more info.

For a list of other modules that are also maintained by the Ansible Community, see here.


  • Jordan Borean (@jborean93)


If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.