win_domain_membership - Manage domain/workgroup membership for a Windows host
- Manages domain membership or workgroup membership for a Windows host. Also supports hostname changes.
- This module may require subsequent use of the win_reboot action if changes are made.
Parameter |
Choices/Defaults |
Comments |
When state is domain , the DNS name of the domain to which the targeted Windows host should be joined.
Password for the specified domain_admin_user .
required |
Username of a domain admin for the target domain (required to join or leave the domain).
(added in 2.4) |
The desired OU path for adding the computer object.
This is only used when adding the target host to a domain, if it is already a member then it is ignored.
The desired hostname for the Windows host.
- domain
- workgroup
Whether the target host should be a member of a domain or workgroup.
When state is workgroup , the name of the workgroup that the Windows host should be in.
# host should be a member of domain ansible.vagrant; module will ensure the hostname is mydomainclient
# and will use the passed credentials to join domain if necessary.
# Ansible connection should use local credentials if possible.
# If a reboot is required, the second task will trigger one and wait until the host is available.
- hosts: winclient
gather_facts: no
- win_domain_membership:
dns_domain_name: ansible.vagrant
hostname: mydomainclient
domain_admin_user: testguy@ansible.vagrant
domain_admin_password: password123!
domain_ou_path: "OU=Windows,OU=Servers,DC=ansible,DC=vagrant"
state: domain
register: domain_state
- win_reboot:
when: domain_state.reboot_required
# Host should be in workgroup mywg- module will use the passed credentials to clean-unjoin domain if possible.
# Ansible connection should use local credentials if possible.
# The domain admin credentials can be sourced from a vault-encrypted variable
- hosts: winclient
gather_facts: no
- win_domain_membership:
workgroup_name: mywg
domain_admin_user: '{{ win_domain_admin_user }}'
domain_admin_password: '{{ win_domain_admin_password }}'
state: workgroup
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Returned |
Description |
always |
True if changes were made that require a reboot.
This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.
This module is flagged as core which means that it is maintained by the Ansible Core Team. See Module Maintenance & Support for more info.
For a list of other modules that are also maintained by the Ansible Core Team, see here.
If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.