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- win_dsc - Invokes a PowerShell DSC configuration
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win_dsc - Invokes a PowerShell DSC configuration
- Configures a resource using PowerShell DSC.
- Requires PowerShell version 5.0 or newer.
- Most of the options for this module are dynamic and will vary depending on the DSC Resource specified in resource_name.
- See Desired State Configuration for more information on how to use this module.
Parameter |
Choices/Defaults |
Comments |
required |
The win_dsc module takes in multiple free form options based on the DSC resource being invoked by resource_name.
There is no option actually named free_form so see the examples.
This module will try and convert the option to the correct type required by the DSC resource and throw a warning if it fails.
If the type of the DSC resource option is a CimInstance or CimInstance[] , this means the value should be a dictionary or list of dictionaries based on the values required by that option.
If the type of the DSC resource option is a PSCredential then there needs to be 2 options set in the Ansible task definition suffixed with _username and _password .
If the type of the DSC resource option is an array, then a list should be provided but a comma separated string also work. Use a list where possible as no escaping is required and it works with more complex types list CimInstance[] .
Can be used to configure the exact version of the DSC resource to be invoked.
Useful if the target node has multiple versions installed of the module containing the DSC resource.
If not specified, the module will follow standard PowerShell convention and use the highest version available.
required |
The name of the DSC Resource to use.
Must be accessible to PowerShell using any of the default paths.
- By default there are a few builtin resources that come with PowerShell 5.0, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/dsc/builtinresource for more information on these resources.
- Custom DSC resources can be installed with win_psmodule using the name option.
- The DSC engine run’s each task as the SYSTEM account, any resources that need to be accessed with a different account need to have
- name: Extract zip file
resource_name: Archive
Ensure: Present
Path: C:\Temp\zipfile.zip
Destination: C:\Temp\Temp2
- name: Install a Windows feature with the WindowsFeature resource
resource_name: WindowsFeature
Name: telnet-client
- name: Edit HKCU reg key under specific user
resource_name: Registry
Ensure: Present
ValueName: TestValue
ValueData: TestData
PsDscRunAsCredential_username: '{{ansible_user}}'
PsDscRunAsCredentual_password: '{{ansible_password}}'
no_log: true
- name: Create file with multiple attributes
resource_name: File
DestinationPath: C:\ansible\dsc
Attributes: # can also be a comma separated string, e.g. 'Hidden, System'
- Hidden
- System
Ensure: Present
Type: Directory
# more complex example using custom DSC resource and dict values
- name: Setup the xWebAdministration module
name: xWebAdministration
state: present
- name: Create IIS Website with Binding and Authentication options
resource_name: xWebsite
Ensure: Present
Name: DSC Website
State: Started
PhysicalPath: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
BindingInfo: # Example of a CimInstance[] DSC parameter (list of dicts)
- Protocol: https
Port: 1234
CertificateStoreName: MY
CertificateThumbprint: C676A89018C4D5902353545343634F35E6B3A659
HostName: DSCTest
IPAddress: '*'
SSLFlags: '1'
- Protocol: http
Port: 4321
IPAddress: '*'
AuthenticationInfo: # Example of a CimInstance DSC parameter (dict)
Anonymous: no
Basic: true
Digest: false
Windows: yes
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key |
Returned |
Description |
error |
any error message from invoking the DSC resource
Multiple DSC modules found with resource name xyz
success |
The version of the dsc resource/module used.
always |
Flag returned from the DSC engine indicating whether or not the machine requires a reboot for the invoked changes to take effect.
This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.
This module is flagged as community which means that it is maintained by the Ansible Community. See Module Maintenance & Support for more info.
For a list of other modules that are also maintained by the Ansible Community, see here.
- Trond Hindenes (@trondhindenes)
If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.