Index of all Filter Plugins
ansible.builtin.b64decode – Decode a Base64 string
ansible.builtin.b64encode – Encode a string as Base64
ansible.builtin.basename – get a path’s base name
ansible.builtin.bool – cast into a boolean
ansible.builtin.checksum – checksum of input data
ansible.builtin.combinations – combinations from the elements of a list
ansible.builtin.combine – combine two dictionaries
ansible.builtin.comment – comment out a string
ansible.builtin.commonpath – gets the common path
ansible.builtin.dict2items – Convert a dictionary into an itemized list of dictionaries
ansible.builtin.difference – the difference of one list from another
ansible.builtin.dirname – get a path’s directory name
ansible.builtin.expanduser – Returns a path with
translation.ansible.builtin.expandvars – expand environment variables
ansible.builtin.extract – extract a value based on an index or key
ansible.builtin.fileglob – explode a path glob to matching files
ansible.builtin.flatten – flatten lists within a list
ansible.builtin.from_json – Convert JSON string into variable structure
ansible.builtin.from_yaml – Convert YAML string into variable structure
ansible.builtin.from_yaml_all – Convert a series of YAML documents into a variable structure
ansible.builtin.hash – hash of input data
ansible.builtin.human_readable – Make bytes/bits human-readable
ansible.builtin.human_to_bytes – Get bytes from string
ansible.builtin.intersect – intersection of lists
ansible.builtin.items2dict – Consolidate a list of itemized dictionaries into a dictionary
ansible.builtin.log – log of (math operation)
ansible.builtin.mandatory – make a variable’s existence mandatory
ansible.builtin.md5 – MD5 hash of input data
ansible.builtin.normpath – Normalize a pathname
ansible.builtin.password_hash – convert input password into password_hash
ansible.builtin.path_join – Join one or more path components
ansible.builtin.permutations – permutations from the elements of a list
ansible.builtin.pow – power of (math operation)
ansible.builtin.product – cartesian product of lists
ansible.builtin.quote – shell quoting
ansible.builtin.random – random number or list item
ansible.builtin.realpath – Turn path into real path
ansible.builtin.regex_escape – escape regex chars
ansible.builtin.regex_findall – extract all regex matches from string
ansible.builtin.regex_replace – replace a string via regex
ansible.builtin.regex_search – extract regex match from string
ansible.builtin.rekey_on_member – Rekey a list of dicts into a dict using a member
ansible.builtin.relpath – Make a path relative
ansible.builtin.root – root of (math operation)
ansible.builtin.sha1 – SHA-1 hash of input data
ansible.builtin.shuffle – randomize a list
ansible.builtin.split – split a string into a list
ansible.builtin.splitext – split a path into root and file extension
ansible.builtin.strftime – date formating
ansible.builtin.subelements – returns a product of a list and its elements
ansible.builtin.symmetric_difference – different items from two lists
ansible.builtin.ternary – Ternary operation filter
ansible.builtin.to_datetime – Get
from stringansible.builtin.to_json – Convert variable to JSON string
ansible.builtin.to_nice_json – Convert variable to ‘nicely formatted’ JSON string
ansible.builtin.to_nice_yaml – Convert variable to YAML string
ansible.builtin.to_uuid – namespaced UUID generator
ansible.builtin.to_yaml – Convert variable to YAML string
ansible.builtin.type_debug – show input data type
ansible.builtin.union – union of lists
ansible.builtin.unique – set of unique items of a list
ansible.builtin.unvault – Open an Ansible Vault
ansible.builtin.urldecode – Decode percent-encoded sequences
ansible.builtin.urlsplit – get components from URL
ansible.builtin.vault – vault your secrets
ansible.builtin.win_basename – Get a Windows path’s base name
ansible.builtin.win_dirname – Get a Windows path’s directory
ansible.builtin.win_splitdrive – Split a Windows path by the drive letter – combine list elements
ansible.builtin.zip_longest – combine list elements, with filler
ansible.netcommon.comp_type5 – The comp_type5 filter plugin.
ansible.netcommon.hash_salt – The hash_salt filter plugin.
ansible.netcommon.parse_cli – parse_cli filter plugin.
ansible.netcommon.parse_cli_textfsm – parse_cli_textfsm filter plugin.
ansible.netcommon.parse_xml – The parse_xml filter plugin.
ansible.netcommon.pop_ace – Remove ace entries from a acl source of truth.
ansible.netcommon.type5_pw – The type5_pw filter plugin.
ansible.netcommon.vlan_expander – The vlan_expander filter plugin.
ansible.netcommon.vlan_parser – The vlan_parser filter plugin.
ansible.utils.cidr_merge – This filter can be used to merge subnets or individual addresses.
ansible.utils.consolidate – Consolidate facts together on common attributes.
ansible.utils.fact_diff – Find the difference between currently set facts
ansible.utils.from_xml – Convert given XML string to native python dictionary.
ansible.utils.get_path – Retrieve the value in a variable using a path
ansible.utils.hwaddr – HWaddr / MAC address filters
ansible.utils.index_of – Find the indices of items in a list matching some criteria
ansible.utils.ip4_hex – This filter is designed to convert IPv4 address to Hexadecimal notation with optional delimiter.
ansible.utils.ipaddr – This filter is designed to return the input value if a query is True, else False.
ansible.utils.ipcut – This filter is designed to get 1st or last few bits of IP address.
ansible.utils.ipmath – This filter is designed to do simple IP math/arithmetic.
ansible.utils.ipsubnet – This filter can be used to manipulate network subnets in several ways.
ansible.utils.ipv4 – To filter only Ipv4 addresses Ipv4 filter is used.
ansible.utils.ipv6 – To filter only Ipv6 addresses Ipv6 filter is used.
ansible.utils.ipv6form – This filter is designed to convert ipv6 address in different formats. For example expand, compressetc.
ansible.utils.ipwrap – This filter is designed to Wrap IPv6 addresses in [ ] brackets.
ansible.utils.keep_keys – Keep specific keys from a data recursively.
ansible.utils.macaddr – macaddr / MAC address filters
ansible.utils.network_in_network – This filter returns whether an address or a network passed as argument is in a network.
ansible.utils.network_in_usable – The network_in_usable filter returns whether an address passed as an argument is usable in a network.
ansible.utils.next_nth_usable – This filter returns the next nth usable ip within a network described by value.
ansible.utils.nthhost – This filter returns the nth host within a network described by value.
ansible.utils.param_list_compare – Generate the final param list combining/comparing base and provided parameters.
ansible.utils.previous_nth_usable – This filter returns the previous nth usable ip within a network described by value.
ansible.utils.reduce_on_network – This filter reduces a list of addresses to only the addresses that match a given network.
ansible.utils.remove_keys – Remove specific keys from a data recursively.
ansible.utils.replace_keys – Replaces specific keys with their after value from a data recursively.
ansible.utils.slaac – This filter returns the SLAAC address within a network for a given HW/MAC address.
ansible.utils.to_paths – Flatten a complex object into a dictionary of paths and values
ansible.utils.to_xml – Convert given JSON string to XML
ansible.utils.usable_range – Expand the usable IP addresses
ansible.utils.validate – Validate data with provided criteria – Quotes argument(s) for various Windows shells
cisco.aci.aci_listify – Flattens the nested dictionaries representing the ACI model data.
community.crypto.gpg_fingerprint – Retrieve a GPG fingerprint from a GPG public or private key
community.crypto.openssl_csr_info – Retrieve information from OpenSSL Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)
community.crypto.openssl_privatekey_info – Retrieve information from OpenSSL private keys
community.crypto.openssl_publickey_info – Retrieve information from OpenSSL public keys in PEM format
community.crypto.parse_serial – Convert a serial number as a colon-separated list of hex numbers to an integer
community.crypto.split_pem – Split PEM file contents into multiple objects
community.crypto.to_serial – Convert an integer to a colon-separated list of hex numbers
community.crypto.x509_certificate_info – Retrieve information from X.509 certificates in PEM format
community.crypto.x509_crl_info – Retrieve information from X.509 CRLs in PEM format
community.dns.get_public_suffix – Returns the public suffix of a DNS name
community.dns.get_registrable_domain – Returns the registrable domain name of a DNS name
community.dns.quote_txt – Quotes a string to use as a TXT record entry
community.dns.remove_public_suffix – Removes the public suffix from a DNS name
community.dns.remove_registrable_domain – Removes the registrable domain name from a DNS name
community.dns.reverse_pointer – Convert an IP address into a DNS name for reverse lookup
community.dns.unquote_txt – Unquotes a TXT record entry to a string
community.general.accumulate – Produce a list of accumulated sums of the input list contents
community.general.counter – Counts hashable elements in a sequence
community.general.crc32 – Generate a CRC32 checksum
community.general.dict – Convert a list of tuples into a dictionary
community.general.dict_kv – Convert a value to a dictionary with a single key-value pair
community.general.from_csv – Converts CSV text input into list of dicts
community.general.from_ini – Converts INI text input into a dictionary
community.general.groupby_as_dict – Transform a sequence of dictionaries to a dictionary where the dictionaries are indexed by an attribute
community.general.hashids_decode – Decodes a sequence of numbers from a YouTube-like hash
community.general.hashids_encode – Encodes YouTube-like hashes from a sequence of integers
community.general.jc – Convert output of many shell commands and file-types to JSON
community.general.json_diff – Create a JSON patch by comparing two JSON files
community.general.json_patch – Apply a JSON-Patch (RFC 6902) operation to an object
community.general.json_patch_recipe – Apply JSON-Patch (RFC 6902) operations to an object
community.general.json_query – Select a single element or a data subset from a complex data structure
community.general.keep_keys – Keep specific keys from dictionaries in a list
community.general.lists_difference – Difference of lists with a predictive order
community.general.lists_intersect – Intersection of lists with a predictive order
community.general.lists_mergeby – Merge two or more lists of dictionaries by a given attribute
community.general.lists_symmetric_difference – Symmetric Difference of lists with a predictive order
community.general.lists_union – Union of lists with a predictive order
community.general.random_mac – Generate a random MAC address
community.general.remove_keys – Remove specific keys from dictionaries in a list
community.general.replace_keys – Replace specific keys in a list of dictionaries
community.general.reveal_ansible_type – Return input type
community.general.to_days – Converte a duration string to days
community.general.to_hours – Converte a duration string to hours
community.general.to_ini – Converts a dictionary to the INI file format
community.general.to_milliseconds – Converte a duration string to milliseconds
community.general.to_minutes – Converte a duration string to minutes
community.general.to_months – Converte a duration string to months
community.general.to_seconds – Converte a duration string to seconds
community.general.to_time_unit – Converte a duration string to the given time unit
community.general.to_weeks – Converte a duration string to weeks
community.general.to_years – Converte a duration string to years
community.general.unicode_normalize – Normalizes unicode strings to facilitate comparison of characters with normalized forms
community.general.version_sort – Sort a list according to version order instead of pure alphabetical one
community.hashi_vault.vault_login_token – Extracts the Vault token from a login or token creation
community.routeros.join – Join a list of arguments to a command
community.routeros.list_to_dict – Convert a list of arguments to a dictionary
community.routeros.quote_argument – Quote an argument
community.routeros.quote_argument_value – Quote an argument value
community.routeros.split – Split a command into arguments
community.sops._latest_version – [INTERNAL] Get latest version from a list of versions
community.sops.decrypt – Decrypt SOPS-encrypted data
f5networks.f5_modules.abspath – return absolute path of a file – Support auth tokens as a Filter plugin – Support auth tokens as a Filter plugin
hetzner.hcloud.load_balancer_status – Compute the status of a Load Balancer
kubernetes.core.k8s_config_resource_name – Generate resource name for the given resource of type ConfigMap, Secret – Converts an LDAP value to a datetime string – Converts an LDAP value to a GUID string – Converts an LDAP value to a Security Identifier string – Escape an LDAP DistinguishedName value string. – Parses an LDAP DistinguishedName string into an object. – Splits an LDAP DistinguishedName.
netapp.ontap.iso8601_duration_from_seconds – Encode seconds as a ISO 8601 duration string
netapp.ontap.iso8601_duration_to_seconds – Decode a ISO 8601 duration string as seconds
ovirt.ovirt.convert_to_bytes – Convert units to bytes
ovirt.ovirt.filtervalue – Filter to findall occurance of some value in dict
ovirt.ovirt.get_network_xml_to_dict – Get network bridge and uuid to dict
ovirt.ovirt.get_ovf_disk_size – Get OVF disk size
ovirt.ovirt.json_query – Copy of community.general.json_query
ovirt.ovirt.ovirtdiff – Show what will be changed in next run of the VM
ovirt.ovirt.ovirtvmip – Return first IP
ovirt.ovirt.ovirtvmips – VM all IPs
ovirt.ovirt.ovirtvmipsv4 – VM IPv4
ovirt.ovirt.ovirtvmipsv6 – VM IPv4
ovirt.ovirt.ovirtvmipv4 – VM IPv4
ovirt.ovirt.ovirtvmipv6 – VM IPv4
ovirt.ovirt.removesensitivevmdata – removesensitivevmdata internal filter
sensu.sensu_go.backends – Format websocket connection for backends hosts from inventory.
sensu.sensu_go.package_name – Format package name
theforeman.foreman.cp_label – Convert strings to Candlepin labels