Index of all Lookup Plugins – Look up AWS account attributes – expose various collection related constants – Look up the IP ranges for services provided in AWS such as EC2 and S3 – Look up secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager – gets the value for a SSM parameter or all parameters under a path
ansible.builtin.config – Display the ‘resolved’ Ansible option values.
ansible.builtin.csvfile – read data from a TSV or CSV file
ansible.builtin.dict – returns key/value pair items from dictionaries
ansible.builtin.env – Read the value of environment variables
ansible.builtin.file – read file contents
ansible.builtin.fileglob – list files matching a pattern
ansible.builtin.first_found – return first file found from list
ansible.builtin.indexed_items – rewrites lists to return ‘indexed items’
ansible.builtin.ini – read data from an ini file
ansible.builtin.inventory_hostnames – list of inventory hosts matching a host pattern
ansible.builtin.items – list of items
ansible.builtin.lines – read lines from command
ansible.builtin.list – simply returns what it is given.
ansible.builtin.nested – composes a list with nested elements of other lists
ansible.builtin.password – retrieve or generate a random password, stored in a file
ansible.builtin.pipe – read output from a command
ansible.builtin.random_choice – return random element from list
ansible.builtin.sequence – generate a list based on a number sequence
ansible.builtin.subelements – traverse nested key from a list of dictionaries
ansible.builtin.template – retrieve contents of file after templating with Jinja2
ansible.builtin.together – merges lists into synchronized list
ansible.builtin.unvault – read vaulted file(s) contents
ansible.builtin.url – return contents from URL
ansible.builtin.varnames – Lookup matching variable names
ansible.builtin.vars – Lookup templated value of variables
ansible.utils.get_path – Retrieve the value in a variable using a path
ansible.utils.index_of – Find the indices of items in a list matching some criteria
ansible.utils.to_paths – Flatten a complex object into a dictionary of paths and values
ansible.utils.validate – Validate data with provided criteria
awx.awx.controller_api – Search the API for objects
awx.awx.schedule_rrule – Generate an rrule string which can be used for Schedules
awx.awx.schedule_rruleset – Generate an rruleset string
azure.azcollection.azure_keyvault_secret – Read secret from Azure Key Vault.
azure.azcollection.azure_service_principal_attribute – Look up Azure service principal attributes.
cisco.aci.interface_range – query interfaces from a range or comma separated list of ranges
cloud.common.turbo_demo – A demo for lookup plugins on cloud.common
community.crypto.gpg_fingerprint – Retrieve a GPG fingerprint from a GPG public or private key file
community.dns.lookup – Look up DNS records
community.dns.lookup_as_dict – Look up DNS records as dictionaries
community.dns.reverse_lookup – Reverse-look up IP addresses
community.general.bitwarden – Retrieve secrets from Bitwarden
community.general.bitwarden_secrets_manager – Retrieve secrets from Bitwarden Secrets Manager
community.general.cartesian – returns the cartesian product of lists
community.general.chef_databag – fetches data from a Chef Databag
community.general.collection_version – Retrieves the version of an installed collection
community.general.consul_kv – Fetch metadata from a Consul key value store.
community.general.credstash – retrieve secrets from Credstash on AWS
community.general.cyberarkpassword – get secrets from CyberArk AIM
community.general.dependent – Composes a list with nested elements of other lists or dicts which can depend on previous loop variables
community.general.dig – query DNS using the dnspython library
community.general.dnstxt – query a domain(s)’s DNS txt fields
community.general.dsv – Get secrets from Thycotic DevOps Secrets Vault
community.general.etcd – get info from an etcd server
community.general.etcd3 – Get key values from etcd3 server
community.general.filetree – recursively match all files in a directory tree
community.general.flattened – return single list completely flattened
community.general.github_app_access_token – Obtain short-lived Github App Access tokens
community.general.hiera – get info from hiera data
community.general.keyring – grab secrets from the OS keyring
community.general.lastpass – fetch data from LastPass
community.general.lmdb_kv – fetch data from LMDB
community.general.manifold – get credentials from
community.general.merge_variables – merge variables whose names match a given pattern
community.general.onepassword – Fetch field values from 1Password
community.general.onepassword_doc – Fetch documents stored in 1Password
community.general.onepassword_raw – Fetch an entire item from 1Password
community.general.onepassword_ssh_key – Fetch SSH keys stored in 1Password
community.general.passwordstore – manage passwords with’s pass utility
community.general.random_pet – Generates random pet names
community.general.random_string – Generates random string
community.general.random_words – Return a number of random words
community.general.redis – fetch data from Redis
community.general.revbitspss – Get secrets from RevBits PAM server
community.general.shelvefile – read keys from Python shelve file
community.general.tss – Get secrets from Thycotic Secret Server
community.grafana.grafana_dashboard – list or search grafana dashboards
community.hashi_vault.hashi_vault – Retrieve secrets from HashiCorp’s Vault
community.hashi_vault.vault_ansible_settings – Returns plugin settings (options)
community.hashi_vault.vault_kv1_get – Get a secret from HashiCorp Vault’s KV version 1 secret store
community.hashi_vault.vault_kv2_get – Get a secret from HashiCorp Vault’s KV version 2 secret store
community.hashi_vault.vault_list – Perform a list operation against HashiCorp Vault
community.hashi_vault.vault_login – Perform a login operation against HashiCorp Vault
community.hashi_vault.vault_read – Perform a read operation against HashiCorp Vault
community.hashi_vault.vault_token_create – Create a HashiCorp Vault token
community.hashi_vault.vault_write – Perform a write operation against HashiCorp Vault
community.mongodb.mongodb – lookup info from MongoDB – Look up ``Avi`` objects. DEPRECATED
community.rabbitmq.rabbitmq – Retrieve messages from an AMQP/AMQPS RabbitMQ queue.
community.sops.sops – Read SOPS-encrypted file contents – Retrieves the LAPS password for a server.
cyberark.conjur.conjur_variable – Fetch credentials from CyberArk Conjur.
f5networks.f5_modules.bigiq_license – Select a random license key from a pool of biqiq available licenses
f5networks.f5_modules.license_hopper – Return random license from list – Get Secrets from Google Cloud as a Lookup plugin
infoblox.nios_modules.nios_lookup – Query Infoblox NIOS objects
infoblox.nios_modules.nios_next_ip – Return the next available IP address for a network
infoblox.nios_modules.nios_next_network – Return the next available network range for a network-container
infoblox.nios_modules.nios_next_vlan_id – Return the next available VLAN ID for a VLAN view/range
kubernetes.core.k8s – Query the K8s API
kubernetes.core.kustomize – Build a set of kubernetes resources using a ‘kustomization.yaml’ file.
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_host – Collects host information
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_host_detail – Expands the host information from santricity_host lookup
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_lun_mapping – NetApp E-Series manage lun mappings
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_storage_pool – Storage pool information
netapp_eseries.santricity.santricity_volume – NetApp E-Series manage storage volumes
netbox.netbox.nb_lookup – Queries and returns elements from NetBox
vmware.vmware_rest.cluster_moid – Look up MoID for vSphere cluster objects using vCenter REST API
vmware.vmware_rest.datacenter_moid – Look up MoID for vSphere datacenter objects using vCenter REST API
vmware.vmware_rest.datastore_moid – Look up MoID for vSphere datastore objects using vCenter REST API
vmware.vmware_rest.folder_moid – Look up MoID for vSphere folder objects using vCenter REST API
vmware.vmware_rest.host_moid – Look up MoID for vSphere host objects using vCenter REST API
vmware.vmware_rest.network_moid – Look up MoID for vSphere network objects using vCenter REST API
vmware.vmware_rest.resource_pool_moid – Look up MoID for vSphere resource pool objects using vCenter REST API
vmware.vmware_rest.vm_moid – Look up MoID for vSphere vm objects using vCenter REST API