Ansible-core 2.18

Release Schedule


PRs must be raised well in advance of the dates below to have a chance of being included in this ansible-core release.


Dates subject to change.

Development Phase

The milestone branch will be advanced at the start date of each development phase, and the beta 1 release.

  • 2024-04-29 Development Phase 1

  • 2024-06-24 Development Phase 2

  • 2024-08-05 Development Phase 3

  • 2024-09-23 Beta 1

Release Phase

  • 2024-09-16 Feature Freeze (and stable-2.18 branching from devel) No new functionality (including modules/plugins) to any code

  • 2024-09-23 Beta 1

  • 2024-10-14 Release Candidate 1

  • 2024-11-04 Release


The beta and release candidate schedules allow for up to 3 releases on a weekly schedule depending on the necessity of creating a release.

Release Manager

Ansible Core Team

Planned work

  • Drop Python 3.10, and add Python 3.13 for controller code

  • Drop Python 3.7, and add Python 3.13 for target code

  • Data Tagging

  • Add support to ansible-galaxy for new service account auth

  • Finalize task object connection attribute for connection reporting in callbacks

  • Add break functionality for task loops

  • Add new non-local mount facts

  • Evaluate changes to strategy plugins to use the core strategy result processing for meta task results

  • Remove deprecated functionality

  • Decrease incidental integration tests

  • Add controller type hinting for discrete areas of the code

  • Decrease testing sanity ignores

  • Update ansible-test container images and VMs

  • Update ansible-test dependencies

Delayed work

The following work has been delayed and retargeted for a future release:

  • TBD