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dellemc.openmanage.ome_smart_fabric_info module – Retrieves the information of smart fabrics inventoried by OpenManage Enterprise Modular


This module is part of the dellemc.openmanage collection (version 9.10.0).

You might already have this collection installed if you are using the ansible package. It is not included in ansible-core. To check whether it is installed, run ansible-galaxy collection list.

To install it, use: ansible-galaxy collection install dellemc.openmanage. You need further requirements to be able to use this module, see Requirements for details.

To use it in a playbook, specify: dellemc.openmanage.ome_smart_fabric_info.

New in dellemc.openmanage 7.1.0


  • This module retrieves the list of smart fabrics in the inventory of OpenManage Enterprise Modular.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • python >= 3.9.6






added in dellemc.openmanage 5.0.0

The Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file that contains a CA certificate to be used for the validation.



Unique Id of the fabric.

fabric_id is mutually exclusive with fabric_name.



Name of the fabric.

fabric_name is mutually exclusive with fabric_id.


string / required

OpenManage Enterprise Modular IP address or hostname.



OpenManage Enterprise Modular password.

If the password is not provided, then the environment variable OME_PASSWORD is used.

Example: export OME_PASSWORD=password



OpenManage Enterprise Modular HTTPS port.

Default: 443



added in dellemc.openmanage 5.0.0

The socket level timeout in seconds.

Default: 30



OpenManage Enterprise Modular username.

If the username is not provided, then the environment variable OME_USERNAME is used.

Example: export OME_USERNAME=username



added in dellemc.openmanage 5.0.0

If false, the SSL certificates will not be validated.

Configure false only on personally controlled sites where self-signed certificates are used.

Prior to collection version 5.0.0, the validate_certs is false by default.


  • false

  • true ← (default)



added in dellemc.openmanage 9.3.0

Authentication token.

If the x_auth_token is not provided, then the environment variable OME_X_AUTH_TOKEN is used.

Example: export OME_X_AUTH_TOKEN=x_auth_token



  • Run this module from a system that has direct access to Dell OpenManage Enterprise Modular.

  • This module supports check_mode.


- name: Retrieve details of all smart fabrics
    hostname: ""
    username: "username"
    password: "password"
    ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem"

- name: Retrieve details of a specific smart fabric identified by its fabric ID
    hostname: ""
    username: "username"
    password: "password"
    ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem"
    fabric_id: "61c20a59-9ed5-4ae5-b850-5e5acf42d2f2"

- name: Retrieve details of a specific smart fabric identified by its fabric name
    hostname: ""
    username: "username"
    password: "password"
    ca_path: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem"
    fabric_name: "f1"

Return Values

Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:





Details of the HTTP Error.

Returned: on HTTP error

Sample: {"error": {"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [{"Message": "Unable to complete the request because the resource URI does not exist or is not implemented.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "CGEN1006", "RelatedProperties": [], "Resolution": "Check the request resource URI. Refer to the OpenManage Enterprise-Modular User's Guide for more information about resource URI and its properties.", "Severity": "Critical"}], "code": "Base.1.0.GeneralError", "message": "A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information."}}



Status of smart fabric information retrieval.

Returned: always

Sample: "Successfully retrieved the smart fabric information."


list / elements=string

Returns the information about smart fabric.

Returned: success

Sample: [{"Description": "Fabric f1", "FabricDesign": [{"Actions": {"#NetworkService.GetApplicableNodes": {"target": "/api/NetworkService/Fabrics('61c20a59-9ed5-4ae5-b850-5e5acf42d2f2')/FabricDesign/NetworkService.GetApplicableNodes"}, "Oem": {}}, "FabricDesignNode": [{"ChassisName": "Chassis-X", "NodeName": "Switch-B", "Slot": "Slot-A2", "Type": "WeaverSwitch"}, {"ChassisName": "Chassis-X", "NodeName": "Switch-A", "Slot": "Slot-A1", "Type": "WeaverSwitch"}], "Name": "2xMX9116n_Fabric_Switching_Engines_in_same_chassis", "NetworkLink": [{"DestinationInterface": "ethernet1/1/38", "DestinationNode": "Switch-B", "SourceInterface": "ethernet1/1/38", "SourceNode": "Switch-A"}, {"DestinationInterface": "ethernet1/1/37", "DestinationNode": "Switch-B", "SourceInterface": "ethernet1/1/37", "SourceNode": "Switch-A"}, {"DestinationInterface": "ethernet1/1/39", "DestinationNode": "Switch-B", "SourceInterface": "ethernet1/1/39", "SourceNode": "Switch-A"}, {"DestinationInterface": "ethernet1/1/40", "DestinationNode": "Switch-B", "SourceInterface": "ethernet1/1/40", "SourceNode": "Switch-A"}]}], "FabricDesignMapping": [{"DesignNode": "Switch-A", "PhysicalNode": "NODEID1"}, {"DesignNode": "Switch-B", "PhysicalNode": "NODEID2"}], "Health": {"Issues": [{"Category": "Audit", "DetailedDescription": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because the interface for an uplink mentioned in the message is not in operational status.", "Message": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because the interface JRWSV43:ethernet1/1/35 for uplink 1ad54420-b145-49a1-9779-21a579ef6f2d is not in operational status.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "NFAB0016", "Resolution": "Make sure that all the uplink interfaces are in operational status.", "Severity": "Warning", "TimeStamp": "2019-09-25T11:50:06Z"}, {"Category": "Audit", "DetailedDescription": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because one or more VLTi links are not connected.", "Message": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because all InterSwitch Links are not connected.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "NFAB0017", "Resolution": "Make sure that the VLTi cables for all ISLs are connected and operational as per the selected fabric design.", "Severity": "Warning", "TimeStamp": "2019-09-25T11:50:06Z"}, {"Category": "Audit", "DetailedDescription": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because the interface for an uplink mentioned in the message is not in operational status.", "Message": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because the interface 6H7J6Z2:ethernet1/1/35 for uplink 1ad54420-b145-49a1-9779-21a579ef6f2d is not in operational status.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "NFAB0016", "Resolution": "Make sure that all the uplink interfaces are in operational status.", "Severity": "Warning", "TimeStamp": "2019-09-25T11:50:06Z"}, {"Category": "Audit", "DetailedDescription": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because one or more of the uplink interfaces are not bonded.", "Message": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because the uplink 1ad54420-b145-49a1-9779-21a579ef6f2d interface 6H7J6Z2:ethernet1/1/35 is not bonded to the other interfaces in the uplink.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "NFAB0019", "Resolution": "Make sure that the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is enabled on all ports on the remote switch to which the uplink ports from the fabric are connected.", "Severity": "Warning", "TimeStamp": "2019-09-25T11:50:06Z"}, {"Category": "Audit", "DetailedDescription": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because one or more of the uplink interfaces are not bonded.", "Message": "The SmartFabric is not healthy because the uplink 1ad54420-b145-49a1-9779-21a579ef6f2d interface JRWSV43:ethernet1/1/35 is not bonded to the other interfaces in the uplink.", "MessageArgs": [], "MessageId": "NFAB0019", "Resolution": "Make sure that the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) is enabled on all ports on the remote switch to which the uplink ports from the fabric are connected.", "Severity": "Warning", "TimeStamp": "2019-09-25T11:50:06Z"}], "Status": "4000"}, "Id": "61c20a59-9ed5-4ae5-b850-5e5acf42d2f2", "LifeCycleStatus": [{"Activity": "Create", "Status": "2060"}], "Multicast": [{"FloodRestrict": true, "IgmpVersion": "3", "MldVersion": "2"}], "Name": "f1", "OverrideLLDPConfiguration": "Disabled", "ScaleVLANProfile": "Enabled", "Servers": [{"ChassisServiceTag": "6H5S6Z2", "ConnectionState": true, "ConnectionStateReason": 101, "DeviceCapabilities": [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 41, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 208, 16, 17, 18, 212, 30, 31], "DeviceManagement": [{"DnsName": "iDRAC-6GZK6Z2", "InstrumentationName": "", "MacAddress": "4c:d9:8f:7a:7c:43", "ManagementId": 135185, "ManagementProfile": [{"AgentName": "iDRAC", "HasCreds": 0, "ManagementId": 135185, "ManagementProfileId": 135185, "ManagementURL": "https://[2607:f2b1:f081:9:4ed9:8fff:fe7a:7c43]:443/", "ProfileId": "WSMAN_OOB", "Status": 1000, "StatusDateTime": "2019-10-29 09:30:38.552", "Version": ""}], "ManagementType": 2, "NetworkAddress": ""}, {"DnsName": "iDRAC-6GZK6Z2", "InstrumentationName": "", "MacAddress": "4c:d9:8f:7a:7c:43", "ManagementId": 135186, "ManagementProfile": [{"AgentName": "iDRAC", "HasCreds": 0, "ManagementId": 135186, "ManagementProfileId": 135186, "ManagementURL": "https://[2607:f2b1:f081:9:4ed9:8fff:fe7a:7c43]:443/", "ProfileId": "WSMAN_OOB", "Status": 1000, "StatusDateTime": "2019-10-29 09:30:38.552", "Version": ""}], "ManagementType": 2, "NetworkAddress": "[2607:f2b1:f081:9:4ed9:8fff:fe7a:7c43]"}], "DeviceName": "MX-6H5S6Z2:Sled-1", "DeviceServiceTag": "6GZK6Z2", "Enabled": true, "Id": 10071, "Identifier": "6GZK6Z2", "LastInventoryTime": "2019-10-29 09:30:38.552", "LastStatusTime": "2019-10-29 09:41:51.051", "ManagedState": 3000, "Model": "PowerEdge MX840c", "PowerState": 17, "SlotConfiguration": {"ChassisId": "10072", "ChassisName": "MX-6H5S6Z2", "ChassisServiceTag": "6H5S6Z2", "DeviceType": "1000", "SledBlockPowerOn": "None blocking", "SlotId": "10084", "SlotName": "Sled-1", "SlotNumber": "1", "SlotType": "2000"}, "Status": 1000, "SystemId": 1894, "Type": 1000}], "Summary": {"NodeCount": 2, "ServerCount": 1, "UplinkCount": 1}, "Switches": [{"ChassisServiceTag": "6H5S6Z2", "ConnectionState": true, "ConnectionStateReason": 101, "DeviceCapabilities": [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 207, 18, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622], "DeviceManagement": [{"DnsName": "", "InstrumentationName": "MX9116n Fabric Engine", "MacAddress": "20:04:0F:4F:4E:04", "ManagementId": 135181, "ManagementProfile": [{"HasCreds": 0, "ManagementId": 135181, "ManagementProfileId": 135181, "ManagementURL": "", "ProfileId": "", "Status": 1000, "StatusDateTime": "2019-10-29 09:30:36.273"}], "ManagementType": 2, "NetworkAddress": ""}, {"DnsName": "", "InstrumentationName": "MX9116n Fabric Engine", "MacAddress": "20:04:0F:4F:4E:04", "ManagementId": 135182, "ManagementProfile": [{"HasCreds": 0, "ManagementId": 135182, "ManagementProfileId": 135182, "ManagementURL": "", "ProfileId": "", "Status": 1000, "StatusDateTime": "2019-10-29 09:30:36.273"}], "ManagementType": 2, "NetworkAddress": ""}], "DeviceName": "MX-6H5S6Z2:IOM-A2", "DeviceServiceTag": "6H7J6Z2", "Enabled": true, "Id": 10074, "Identifier": "6H7J6Z2", "LastInventoryTime": "2019-10-29 09:30:36.332", "LastStatusTime": "2019-10-29 09:31:00.931", "ManagedState": 3000, "Model": "MX9116n Fabric Engine", "PowerState": 17, "SlotConfiguration": {"ChassisId": "10072", "ChassisName": "MX-6H5S6Z2", "ChassisServiceTag": "6H5S6Z2", "DeviceType": "4000", "SledBlockPowerOn": "null", "SlotId": "10079", "SlotName": "IOM-A2", "SlotNumber": "2", "SlotType": "4000"}, "Status": 1000, "SystemId": 2031, "Type": 4000}, {"ChassisServiceTag": "6H5S6Z2", "ConnectionState": true, "ConnectionStateReason": 101, "DeviceCapabilities": [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 207, 18, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622], "DeviceManagement": [{"DnsName": "", "InstrumentationName": "MX9116n Fabric Engine", "MacAddress": "E8:B5:D0:52:61:46", "ManagementId": 135183, "ManagementProfile": [{"HasCreds": 0, "ManagementId": 135183, "ManagementProfileId": 135183, "ManagementURL": "", "ProfileId": "", "Status": 1000, "StatusDateTime": "2019-10-29 09:30:37.115"}], "ManagementType": 2, "NetworkAddress": ""}, {"DnsName": "", "InstrumentationName": "MX9116n Fabric Engine", "MacAddress": "E8:B5:D0:52:61:46", "ManagementId": 135184, "ManagementProfile": [{"HasCreds": 0, "ManagementId": 135184, "ManagementProfileId": 135184, "ManagementURL": "", "ProfileId": "", "Status": 1000, "StatusDateTime": "2019-10-29 09:30:37.115"}], "ManagementType": 2, "NetworkAddress": ""}], "DeviceName": "MX-6H5S6Z2:IOM-A1", "DeviceServiceTag": "JRWSV43", "Enabled": true, "Id": 20881, "Identifier": "JRWSV43", "LastInventoryTime": "2019-10-29 09:30:37.172", "LastStatusTime": "2019-10-29 09:31:00.244", "ManagedState": 3000, "Model": "MX9116n Fabric Engine", "PowerState": 17, "SlotConfiguration": {"ChassisId": "10072", "ChassisName": "MX-6H5S6Z2", "ChassisServiceTag": "6H5S6Z2", "DeviceType": "4000", "SledBlockPowerOn": "null", "SlotId": "10078", "SlotName": "IOM-A1", "SlotNumber": "1", "SlotType": "4000"}, "Status": 1000, "SystemId": 2031, "Type": 4000}], "Uplinks": [{"Id": "1ad54420-b145-49a1-9779-21a579ef6f2d", "MediaType": "Ethernet", "Name": "u1", "NativeVLAN": 1, "Summary": {"NetworkCount": 1, "PortCount": 2}, "UfdEnable": "Disabled"}]}]


  • Kritika Bhateja(@Kritka-Bhateja)